The Tourism Club Franchise is Hungary’s largest and fastest growing student-run talent pool for tourism, hospitality and gastronomy, founded in 2017. Currently, we have a total membership of 300+ people in the top 3 Tourism and Hospitality training universities in our country:
- Tourism Club of Corvinus at the Corvinus University of Budapest,
- Tourism Club of BGE at the Budapest Business School,
- Tourism Club of Szeged at the University of Szeged.
What do we do? We host online lectures with thousands of viewers and sold-out offline events, produce professional podcasts and competitions, write articles, organize training sessions and the 4-semester-long personalised talent development program with our partners, as well as super team-building trips abroad and at home.
Our unhidden goal is to create an atmosphere around our organization, where people from diverse backgrounds but with similar interests can come together as a community to deliver outstanding projects that the tourism industry should pay attention to, as we can create industry-transforming value for them with our fresh ideas and initiatives.

We show our members what tourism can give them. We offer them an insight into most aspects of the profession and a chance to try themselves out in practice, as we aim to give our members a taste of tourism, hospitality and gastronomy everywhere. You don’t even have to be a tourism student to do this, we welcome anyone who is open-minded to learn with us.
We will show you possible career paths with the help of professionals, and give you first-hand information about internships and job opportunities. Whether you want to start up a family business, want to become a hotel manager or are interested in the airline industry, we and our partners can provide you with all the useful knowledge you need through practical projects and training. All this in an environment where we support and inspire everyone to dare to go for their dreams, in a great community, of course.
The Talent Program of Tourism Club Franchise
( 1 gate = 1 semester )
Our aim is to enable our members to complement their university studies by deepening their knowledge on the career path that interests them most. Our professional training system, the Talent Program, covers the 3 largest areas of tourism and hospitality, namely Destination Management, Hotel Management and Gastro & Leisure. Completing the Talent Programme, in addition to your university studies, will help you gain a broader understanding of the profession and a clearer picture of possible career paths. As well as gaining experience in the organization’s diverse management positions, you will also gain insight into the management challenges in the three areas mentioned above. This will help our members decide what they are really interested in within tourism after graduation.
Basics of organizational functioning
Onboarding project:
Getting to know the basic functioning of the organization
Weekly group assignments:
Marketing, Event Management, Recruitment and Selection
Exploring the career paths:
Company visits to our partners
Community building
Choosing a career path
In addition to carrying out the core activities of a student organization:
Hotel Management: front office (reservation systems, customer experience management)
Destination Management: city and product development, marketing strategy
Gastro & Leisure: wine tourism, strategic issues of wineries
Professional immersion
Leadership career path: leadership and management trainings
Hotel Management: back office (Sales, HR, Finance, Marketing)
Destination Management: tourism strategy (Tourism and IT, Accommodation Development)
Gastro & Leisure: Gastronomy, Hospitality Management and Strategy.
Preparation for your career
With the help of our corporate partners:
Interview technique training; CV consulting; Vision-building talks; Career Night
Hotel Management: hotel strategy development
Destination Management: tourism consultancy
Gastro & Leisure: Event Management